5c. Circular Economy
Track chairs:
Pauline Deutz. University of Hull, Hull, United Kingdom. p.deutz@hull.ac.uk
Andrea Cecchin. North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota, USA. andrea.cecchin@ndsu.edu
Roberta Salomone. Department of Economics, University of Messina, Messina, Italy. roberta.salomone@unime.it
Goals and objectives of the track:
Circular economy research has taken off exponentially in the last few years, with concerted policy efforts from the EU and other bodies. Aiming at an economic system wherein products are designed to maximise the value extracted from resources, the development of a circular economy could indeed represent a social transformation. A contradiction is emerging between policy views of the circular economy as a form of sustainable economic development, and potential degrowth strategies for circularity, such as repair, refurbishment, or even ‘refusing' to buy (Reike et al., 2018). This session aims to contribute to the understanding of both the variety and sustainability impact of circular economy (CE) practices, and different routes to innovation that may be required, exploring theoretical and pragmatic implications between the Sustainable Development Goals 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).
Relatively little attention, has been paid to examining the environmental, social, and economic impact of these practices, and how those impacts may be context and/or scale dependent. In addition, as policy efforts to engender CE-practices reach new contexts, especially in emerging and developing economies, we would welcome studies into the nurturing of CE practices for a variety of business types and the challenges they face. Of particular interest is the initiation and resilience of CE practices in a rapidly changing context.
Contributions from the followings areas are sought-after:
- Comparative case studies that elucidate various dimensions of CE;
- Quantifying the specific environmental, economic and social impacts of CE;
- The theoretical and practical contribution of the CE to enhance sustainability policies in Developing Countries;
- Start-ups and ‘green' businesses adjusted to CE principles;
- Role of sharing in a circular economy
- Consumer perspectives
- Repair and refurbishment
- The theoretical and practical contribution of industrial ecology methods and tools (e.g. material flow analysis, input-output analysis, life cycle assessment) to CE;
- Industrial symbiosis and the role of networks in resource management;
- Zero waste programs and projects;
- Drivers of innovation in resource management;
- Resource security and efficiency;
- Stakeholder's perceptions and roles in CE;
- Exploring the relationships between native culture's thought and CE principles.
Other contributions can also be explored.