4b. Sustainable communities, landscapes, cities and regions
Track Chairs:
Nuno Martins, CIAUD, Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon, Portugal. nunomartins@fa.ulisboa.pt
Astrid Skjerven, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway. astrid.skjerven@hioa.no
Santiago Mejía, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. s.mejiad@uniandes.edu.co
Goals and objectives of the track
This track will pay special attention to the current facts and figures that shape our world, as listed by the Sustainable Development Goals in the Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. We recall, in particular that today the half of humanity lives in cities today, 95 per cent of urban expansion in the next decades will take place in developing world and 828 million people live in slums today, number that keep rising.
Considering issues of Sustainability of Cities, Regions, but also those of Cultural Landscapes and Communities, ranging from regional to local scale, we shall prioritize submissions that pursue the targets 9 and 10 of the this Goal 11, which are:
"By 2020, substantially increase the number of cities and human settlements adopting and implementing integrated policies and plans towards inclusion, resource efficiency, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, resilience to disasters, and develop and implement, in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, holistic disaster risk management at all levels, and "Support least developed countries, including through financial and technical assistance, in building sustainable and resilient buildings utilizing local materials".
Colombia is one of the most environmental and culturally diverse countries of the globe. Also, holds significant spiritual memories and religious traditions. Bogotá, in turn, presents a high urban dynamic and a vibrant social and cultural life. Within such an inspiring conference location, we would like to encourage sensible approaches to inclusive design of spaces and buildings balancing technology, the use of local resources and social equity. The goal of this track is, therefore, to collect lessons learned from research and projects on green planning, architecture and design in order to point out opportunities, constraints, priorities and revisiting global and local adaptive solutions to advance sustainability innovation in urban and regional design, planning and architecture.
Contributions from the followings areas are particularly sought after:
- Discussion of key concepts, methods and applications in cutting-edge sustainable urban design and architecture.
- Green urban and rural design and planning.
- The role of stakeholders in the design of the sustainable city and region development.
- The dimensions of green design and architecture - fostering sustainable lessons in vernacular building traditions and enhancing communities & heritage-based projects.
- Community-based studies that look at the environmental, economic, social, but also cultural and spiritual dimensions of sustainability, embracing the concept of well-being.
- Sustainability of cultural landscape revitalization plans and project.
- Risk, resilience and sustainability of post-disaster and informal setllements upgrading projects.
- Sustainability of disaster risk reduction strategies in architecture and urban design.
- Greening of cities and regions in an international and cross-country context.
You may submit your abstract by visiting the Ex Ordo abstract submission system (you will be required to setup an account first): https://isdrs2017.exordo.com
Nuno Martins graduated in Architecture and completed a Masters degree in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon, a doctoral program in Urbanism at the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña and a Ph.D. in Architecture. During his career, he was awarded several prizes in architectural and urban design competitions, and his works were published in magazines and were exhibited in Portugal, France, Brazil and Spain. He has co-chaired twice the track of Sustainable Cities and Regions of the ISDRS conferences. He has been publishing and lecturing internationally in his areas of interest: cultural landscapes, eco-urbanism, sustainable and humanitarian architecture and urban design in development. Since 2013 he has been a full researcher of CIAUD, Centre of Research in Architecture, Urbanism, and Design, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon.
Dr. Astrid Skjerven is Professor in design theory at The Department of Product Design, Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway. She has a doctorate in art history from The University of Oslo. Her special field of interest is the phenomenon of Scandinavian design seen in a global context; the impact of design on daily life; and cultural sustainability. She has been Co Editor of Scandinavian Journal of Design History and Leader of Docomomo Norway. She has published articles in books and international scientific journals, and Co Editor of a special issue on design in the journal Sustainable Development. She has been a National Committee Deputy Member of the EU based COST Action of Cultural Sustainability, and is member of the Norwegian Research Council's JPI Research Group. She is member of the board of The International Society on Sustainable Development Research, and a member of its editorial board. She is member of the Advisory Board of the journal FORMakademisk.
Santiago Mejía-Dugand works as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Business School of Universidad de los Andes. He currently does research on sustainable supply chains, innovation, and extended producer responsibility (EPR). He has also done research on sustainable cities and environmental technology, which were the focus of his doctoral dissertation.