2b. Educating for Sustainability

Track chairs:

Sandra Caeiro. Department of Science and Technology, Universidade Aberta and Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research, School of Science and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. scaeiro@uab.pt

Ágnes Zsóka. Department of Marketing, Institute of Marketing and Media, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary. agnes.zsoka@uni-corvinus.hu

Goals and objectives of the track:

Education for sustainability (ES) has a very important role to contribute to the main theme of the ISDRS 2020 Conference. ES research and practices have had a great increase during the twenty last years, from campus operations, to curricula development and delivery, to sustainability assessment and communication, as well as organisational change management. The aim of this track is to build upon ES knowledge, enhancing current practices, and propose innovative ideas to make and transform societies more sustainable. We invite researchers, educational institutions, practitioners, and stakeholders committed to ES to this track in order to share your knowledge and experiences, and present your research activities in this topic.

Contributions from the following areas include, but are not limited, to the following themes:

  • Innovative and inclusive approaches in sustainability science education;
  • Rethinking education for sustainable development theories, practices and approaches;
  • New competences and pedagogical models for education for sustainable development;
  • Stakeholder engagement and participation for education for sustainable development;
  • ES competence based teaching related to the Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2030;
  • Strategies to overcome resistance to sustainability implementation;
  • ES efforts to change attitudes, behaviours, and lifestyles;
  • Knowledge transfer and partnerships between academia, companies, civil society, and governments;
  • Explore sustainability knowledge/literacy acquisition at individual, institution country level;
  • Evaluation of the impact and effectiveness of Education for Sustainability actions and approaches at short, medium and long term and on the society;
  • Holistic integration of sustainable development into whole educational system, such as education, research, campus operations, outreach, assessment, reporting, on-campus life experiences, and educating-the-educators;
  • Integration of education for sustainable development in all educational chain from kindergarten to university and thereafter, in life-long learning and labour market; and
  • Integrated sustainability assessment tools and benchmarking of ES.

We invite all participants to build upon the many great works on ES already published, to explicitly state what their contribution to ES is, and how other researchers can learn from your experiences.


Sandra Caeiro is Professor in the Department of Science and Technology at Universidade Aberta (UAb) and a senior researcher at CENSE - Center for Sustainability and Environmental Research from NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal. Her main research and teaching areas include support tools for sustainability/environmental management and assessment and education for sustainable development. She belongs to the coordination team of the PhD programme on Social Sustainability and Development, and she is the institutional coordinator of the European Virtual Seminar in Sustainable Development at UAb. She is associate editor at Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier and on the editorial board of the international journals of Ocean and Coastal Management, Elsevier, Latin American Journal of Management for Sustainable Development, Inderscience, and International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Emerald and reviewer of several international scientific journals and books. She has mentored several post-graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, published papers in peer-review ISI journals, chapter books and international conference proceedings, and coordinated and participated in several research projects.


Ágnes Zsóka is a Professor at the Department of Marketing of Corvinus University of Budapest (CUB). Her main research and teaching areas include sustainable consumption, toolset and reporting of corporate sustainability, issues of corporate social responsibility, education for sustainability and implications of climate change in corporate practice. She is Program Director of the Doctoral School of Business and Management at CUB, and at the same time she is responsible for the German Speaking Study Centre of Business Administration at Corvinus Business School. She has been mentoring four PhD students in the last few years in various fields of sustainability, she has papers in international peer reviewed journals, books and conference proceedings. She has participated in a number of research projects.
