Guide to the virtual conference

ISDRS2020 will be organised in a fully virtual format using the on-line conferencing platform developed by ExOrdo. The conference platform is integrated with the paper submission and registration platform used during the preparation of the conference and participants will be able to log in using their usual ExOrdo account information.

All participants will be able to join plenary sessions and conference tracks, view posters, send messages to each other and watch recordings of sessions after they take place. The virtual platform will be based on Webex, which can facilitate interaction between participants during and after the conference.

The platform will be operational about ten days before the conference with information added continuously up to the end of the conference, while recorded material will be available to participants after the conference. Each delegate will receive information on how to reach the virtual platform as soon as it starts operation.

With your contribution to the live platform of the conference you agree to give consent to recording your presentation, which will be used exclusively on the conference platform and will not be distributed in any other form.

The following guides will help you prepare your presentations and posters for the conference.


1. Oral presentations

If you have submitted an abstract or a full paper, which was accepted as an oral presentation, please, follow the instructions below.

Oral presentations will be arranged in parallel sessions, which will correspond to the different tracks of the conference.

Presenters will discuss their research during these sessions. You should be prepared to share your screen and advance slides (if using a slide show), observe time limit notifications, and participate in a moderated discussion. The session chair assigned to your session will be responsible for introducing the theme(s) of the session and briefly introducing each presenter in the session. They will help ensure that the session runs on time and will facilitate an interactive question and answer or discussion session with presenters and other participants.


Before the conference

1. Prepare your presentation, which should take a similar format to a presentation at a traditional conference: a ppt or pdf file you can share during your presentation. Your presentation should be a maximum of 15 minutes to allow for questions and answers.

2. Check whether your track will run at the conference and if yes, when: some tracks with only a few submissions will be merged with other tracks, but all authors with an accepted abstract/paper who registered to the conference will be able to present. The final list of tracks will be available about ten days before the conference on the conference virtual platform.

3. Connect with your session chair(s) if you have any questions regarding the format of the session and planned order of speakers.

4. Ensure that you have access to a stable internet connection, power supply, web camera, and headset with microphone or built-in computer audio.

5. Join test sessions (announced later) organised a few days before the conference to practice the use of the Webex platform. You should be able to turn on and off your microphone and camera and share your presentation, chat with other participants.


Before your session begins

1. Log in to your session 5-10 minutes before the beginning of the session.

2. Check in with the host assigned to the session to ensure that your audio and video systems are working well and that you are able to share your screen.

3. Run through plans for the session structure.


During your presentation

1. Make sure to time your presentation so that it fits the 15 minute time slot.

2. Answer questions and engage in discussions after your presentation with the help of the host of the session.


2. The poster session

If you have submitted an abstract or a full paper, which was accepted as a poster, please, follow the instructions below.

The poster session will run through the duration of the conference. The main difference between the oral abstract/paper presentations and the poster session is that the poster session will not have a live component.

To participate in the poster session, please:

1) Prepare and upload your poster in PDF format to the virtual conference platform (available about 10 days before the conference). There are no formal requirements for the poster: it may or may not resemble those usually prepared for traditional conferences, but make sure that it can be easily viewed and understood on a typical computer screen in a couple of minutes. Please, include the author(s)'s name, affiliation, your research questions and results on your poster. Please save the file with a file name starting with the authors' last names. The size limit of posters is 3 Gigabytes.

2) You may also want to upload a short video to the conference platform (this is optional). The video should provide additional information to the poster in a maximum of 3 minutes introducing fellow conference attendees to the results of your research. The size limit of videos is  also 3 Gigabytes.

3) During ISDRS2020, conference attendees will be able to "visit" any of the posters at any time using the virtual conference platform, and will be able to interact with poster authors.

The deadline for uploading posters and accompanying videos is the 13th of July, 2020.

